Case Study

How this Toronto-based Project Marketer Gained a Frictionless Solution




“We prefer to work with people who are willing to put in the same type of effort that we are.”

Jamie Sarner Founder | Partner at Austin Birch

Prior to using Spark, Austin Birch encountered problems when they sought to integrate their previous new development sales software with other technology tools.

“Seeing that we weren’t getting anywhere with our previous service provider to do what Austin Birch needed, I started a conversation with Spark. Spark was willing to do what it took to accomplish our goals, while not compromising on their software offering.”

Austin Birch prides themselves on providing their clients with sophisticated new development marketing and sales strategies and required a software solution that could serve as their core sales tool while still allowing the flexibility to work with external technologies.

Furthermore, while Toronto is a large and international market, a significant amount of business is still conducted in person and based on trusted relationships.

“One of our clients' lawyers was quite opposed to digital signing as they thought it was too risky and unproven,” said Jamie.

“The downside is the inefficiency from needing to be in person to sign paper documents, and the storage of the physical contracts. Then once signed, the information in the contracts wouldn’t feed back into the CRM so there was no visibility or oversight. I hope to never sign another paper contract again.”

“We have sold hundreds of units in a single weekend and need a system that is flawless.




“Spark is an ally, it feels more like a partnership than a service provider.”

Jamie Sarner Founder | Partner at Austin Birch

Dedicated to providing an extremely high level of service to their clients, Austin Birch expects that in turn from their service partners, “We’re very particular and detailed but you guys have gone the extra mile to meet all of our needs. It felt like our previous vendor didn't put in the same effort but Spark serves their clients in a way that stands out.”

Spark’s UX and usability is also a key facet in Austin Birch’s dedicated use. “The software is lightweight and able to run on any device, be it phone, tablet or computer. It is also easy to use with our clients. Our clients can have access to the software, we're completely transparent with them, and they can poke around and do whatever they need.”

Most crucial for Austin Birch is Spark’s built in integrations with other trusted technologies, allowing them to close deals with international clients with more confidence for all parties involved.

“Spark partners with companies like DocuSign, which our previous service provider didn’t. International clients had some issues transacting digitally due to their lack of familiarity and trust with that vendor. However, with Spark’s partnership with DocuSign and others, our clients have a lot more comfort working with us and we haven’t encountered problems like this anymore - their partnerships were a key factor in convincing some of our clients to adopt a digital contract process.”

Overall, Spark has enabled Austin Birch to sell to the highest standards regardless of where and when they’re selling. “It’s evident that Spark wants to do what’s best for the client and they are willing to take the time and put in the effort to integrate and to create all the software connections that are needed to do so,” said Jamie. “Despite the time difference of Spark being on the West Coast, we have never found it to be an issue even with 9AM EST launches. It honestly feels like their Customer Success team are owners of the company and have skin in the game with the level of service they provide.

“I’m trying to think of something you guys couldn’t handle but I can’t.”




“Using Spark is a frictionless experience.”

Spark has been able to provide Austin Birch with a seamless sales solution that has enabled them to increase their team’s workflow, especially with their contract signing process.

“There's many reasons we love Spark: number one is the team, two is the user interface – it's very user friendly and easy to use and navigate. Once you learn something, it sticks and you’re able to use it immediately.”

Since joining Spark, Austin Birch has used Digital Contracts for 100% of the deals they’ve closed, allowing their team to save significant time, energy and effort.

“With Spark’s Digital Contracts feature, it’s just easier - there's far fewer issues than with paper contracts. You don't have as much risk with authentication because of the ID Verification process and it’s simply easier to track, store and pull up no matter where you are. It's a more fluid process and a more verifiable process than anything else. Also, there’s time savings, right? It completely eliminates the paper waste and the need to be together in person to finalize a sale.”

Through this, Austin Birch have become devout users of the platform and advocate for their clients to use Spark for all projects going forward.

“We’re so religious about Spark that we have a clause in our contracts that if our clients use Spark, we’ll help cover the cost to use it,” said Jamie.

“The bottom line is Austin Birch is committed to their clients, I'm not committed to Microsoft, Google, Salesforce or any other service provider. No one to date has shown me a better way to service my clients than Spark.”

Like Austin Birch, see how your team can gain a frictionless solution with Spark

Let’s explore how Spark can work for you.

  • Your entire portfolio in one place.

    No more jumping between a dozen disjointed softwares. Spark has all of your sales data and all of your marketing tools under one roof.

  • Sell more. Sell better.

    Get increased visibility and control over your project sales and marketing. Spark scales with your team, providing the foundation for you to grow and expand your business.

  • Frictionless onboarding and dedicated support.

    Focus on selling, not software. Our dedicated Customer Success team gets you up and running faster than you'd expect.