Thank you for your time in answering some additional questions and helping us understand how we can build better for you. We'd like to begin with understanding where you are with your purchase decision.

Thank you for sharing your real estate experience and goals with us. We'd like to know a little about what's important to you when living in a condominium.

Thank you for telling us what amenities are most important to you. We'd like to know more about your living style.

Thank you for telling us what features and finishes are important to you. Finally, we'd like to understand a little more about you as a person.

We appreciate you taking our survey. If you have any additional comments or questions, please use the space provided below to tell us more about why you are looking for a new condo.

If you wish to stop receiving this information at any time simply contact Marlin Spring at 16th Floor 2 St. Clair Avenue West or email and indicate that you do not wish to receive further information.